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Obra a Decorrer Santo António dos Olivais
Estamos a executar a obra do projeto de Santo António dos Olivais! Conheça o projeto, em breve vamos mostra-lhe exatamente como ficou
Cada projeto Pistacho é único. Valorizamos a criação de ambientes práticos e funcionais que sejam aconchegantes e acolhedores. Os nossos projetos são criados de acordo com as necessidades e desejos do cliente. Não espere mais, vamos criar a sua casa de sonho!
Criamos ambientes únicos e atemporais, a nossa principal preocupação é que se sinta bem na sua casa. Realizamos um serviço completo, de chave na mão, não terá de se preocupar com nada!
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Learn how to decorate your dream home!
Bárbara Dias’ book is now in bookstores! In the book you will find fundamental tips that will guide you in the process of decorating your dream home. If you need extra help don't hesitate to contact us!
Buy yours now


Pistacho is a Portuguese company whose main focus is to carry out architectural, interior and decoration projects, always targeting the individual tastes and needs of each client.


Remodeling Project

The remodeling project consists of redefining spaces, reorganizing them and making them more functional. In this type of project, it is essential to value the history of the existing project, respecting the initial design and never forgetting to meet the client's imposed needs and tastes.

Architectural design

The architectural project is born according to the real terrain. Here a scratch drawing of the house/building is created, organizing them in the most functional way possible, taking into account all the legal regulations imposed. Here too, it is essential to take the customer’s needs and tastes into account.

Interior Design Project

The interior design project is developed and adapted to the style of each client, based on their needs and tastes. Detailed drawings are created here, with all the details, in order to achieve a unique result tailored to each client.


When a project reaches the execution phase, all finishes are chosen, from coverings, flooring, sanitary ware, custom-made furniture, upholstery, etc. All of these material selections are made with our client, taking the desired style as a reference. Here we put into practice everything we previously designed and idealized for our client, making it real, harmonious and functional.

Copyright 2023 © Pistacho. Created by Riz Agency.